Bought all three units. Really satisfied.
The Pro Tram by Edge Technology makes the process of tramming your mill fast, easy and accurate. Tramming is the process of squaring the head of your milling machine to the table. The Pro Tram is sized to fit the bed of a 6" vise allowing you to tram directly to vise for increased accuracy. It can be used with a sine bar or sine plate to adjust the head to precise angles.
Bought all three units. Really satisfied.
This thing is so easy to use, it is like cheating. Was able to tram up my Bridgeport head in a few minutes, and quick to double check later to see if anything changed (it had, and was quickly resolved). I debated about getting this as I have other measuring tools, but this one is worth it.
This makes quick work of tramming the head to the table.
Well made and excellent packaging. But best of all, made the tramming process painless.
Very easy to use.
I trammed my mill switching a single indicator back and forth, and spent quite a good amount of time tweaking things. I broke an expensive 1/8" carbide end mill instantly, and an expensive 3/16" carbide drill bit within the hour. What on earth? When I finished making the part, the holes were way off perpendicular, and the faces weren't remotely at 90 degrees to each other. I could have made the part more accurately doing everything by eyeball with hand tools. It was bad. There was no real learning curve on the Pro Tram. Zero the two gauges to the same reference, then tweak your mill until the needles read as close to the same as you can achieve within the limits of your equipment and patience. Simple. I got the two gauges within a few tenths of being exactly identical in both X and Y. When I remade the part, I could just barely coax a 0.0015" feeler gauge between the various features and a machinist square. That's more like it!
Great idea, fantastic design, and top notch construction and finish work!
Very high quality precise instrument. Includes well written instructions and calibration magnet.
I am totally satisfied of having an instrument that gives me the ability to measure with high precision orthogonal planes in my milling